Monday, June 20, 2016

Making Change

In this entry, I am going to continue with what’s shaping up to be the running them in all my blog posts, gun control in America. In light of recent events in Orlando, I’ve been exposed to many views on what changes should be made to minimize mass shooting occurrences.  I’ve spent a good amount of time researching this topic and looking at options that we have and decisions that we are facing. I know the argument that is being stood firm by people against change. I’ve heard the case, “if more people were equipped with handguns, then someone could intervene and stop these killers”. Also, there is the argument that criminals will acquire guns regardless of any changes we inforce.  My stance is this; restrictions NEED to be made, not on our right to bear arms, but on WHO has that right.  

There is in fact no correlation to the claim that more guns equate to more violent crime. I’m referencing mass shootings specifically; where guns have been put into the hands of people that were clearly incapable of that immense responsibility. If you have been watchlisted by the FBI, at any point, you lose that right. If you suffer from a mental illness that may impede your decision making with a weapon that can take people's lives, you lose that right. There are current proposals to address some of these issues, but the likely hood that may pass is unsure.

I also think the responsibility lies in the hands of all Americans to stay proactive.  We need to be aware of each other. If we see a family member, friend or relative that displays behaviors that concern us, we should bring awareness to the situation. When I look at happenings of teens involved in mass shooting, I wonder; if the assailant’s prior actions were addressed, would there have been such a tragic loss of lives. Being innovative to solutions should become an additional focus. Following the Aurora theatre shooting, Colorado student Kai Kloepfer developed a gun prototype that could only be used through fingerprint verification. Kloepfer claims that this measure could prevent anyone unauthorized, from using the firearm. This includes children & assailants attempting to disarm an officer. I hope that we, as a society, will continue to make necessary progress so that our communities are safe from these types of violent acts.














































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